LFB USA's technology and products have been well reported in scientific literature and at scientific meetings. A selected bibliography is below.
Selected LFB USA Publications
Book Chapters:
Gavin. W., L. Chen, M. Schofield, N. Masiello, H. Meade and Y. Echelard. Transgenic Cloned Goats and the Production of Recombinant Therapeutic Proteins. 2014. In: Principles of Cloning, 2nd Ed. Cibelli, et al., ed. Academic Press, Waltham, MA; 329-342.
Behboodi, E., L. Lam, W.G. Gavin, A. Bondareva and I. Dobrinski. 2013. Goat Embryonic Stem-Like Cell Derivation and Characterization (Chapter 5). In: Epiblast Stem Cells. R. Alberio, ed. Humana Press, Springer-Verlag, New York.
Gavin, W., L. Chen, D. Melican, C. Ziomek, Y. Echelard and H. Meade 2008. Transgenic cloned goats and cows for the production of therapeutic proteins in Principles of Regenerative Medicine. Academic Press.
Echelard, Y. and H. M. Meade 2003. Protein production in transgenic animals in Gene Transfer and Expression in Mammalian Cells. edited by S. C. Makrides, New Comprehensive Biochemistry Vol. 38, General Editor: G. Bernardi. Elsevier BV. pp 625-639.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Laible, G., S-A.E. Cole, B.K. Brophy, M.J. Wright, M.C. Berg, A.A. Cullum, S.R. Delaney, F.C. Oback, J.E. Oliver, D.P. Pollock, W.G. Gavin, D.N. Wells and H.M. Meade. 2014. Production of a biosimilar antibody for Cetuximab in the milk of transgenic goats. Presented at the Queenstown Molecular Biology Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Valentino L, Kluft C, Reijers J, Stevens J, Frieling J, Burggraaf J, Powell J. 2014. Dose response of recombinant human factor VIIa (LR769): pharmacodynamic assessments as a basis for dose selection. EAHAD Brussels. Haemophilia Vol. 20, S2, Page 26-27, Abstract PO017.
Chevreux G, Faid V, Scohyers J-M, Bihoreau N. 2013. N-/O-glycosylation analysis of human FVIIa produced in the milk of transgenic rabbits. Glycobiology, Vol. 23, pp.1531-1546.
Grandoni J. 2013. N-/O-glycosylation analysis of human FVIIa produced in the milk of transgenic rabbits. FASEB.
Grandoni J, Perret G, Forier C. 2013. Characterization Of a New Recombinant Human Factor VIIa (LR769). ASH Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolytic Factors.
Laible, G., S-A.E. Cole, B.K. Brophy, M.J. Wright, M.C. Berg, A.A. Cullum, S.R. Delaney, F.C. Oback, J.E. Oliver, D.P. Pollock, W.G. Gavin, D.N. Wells and H.M. Meade. 2013. Genetic engineering of goats for the production of the biosimilar antibody Cetuximab in milk. Presented at the 39th Annual International Embryo Transfer Conference, Munich, Germany.
Powell J, Kluft C, Moerland M, Frieling J, Valentino L. ISTH Amsterdam. 2013. Pharmacodynamic effects of escalating dosages of a new recombinant human Factor VIIa (LR769) in congenital hemophilia A or B patients.
Reijers J.A.A., Moerland M., Frieling J.T.M., Levi M., Kluft C., Guan Z., Freijer J., Burggraaf J. ISTH Amsterdam. 2013. Pharmacodynamic effects of two recombinant FVIIa products in anti coagulated healthy volunteers.
Valentino L, Reijers J, Freijer J, Frieling J, Powell J. ISTH Amsterdam. 2013. Safety and pharmacokinetics of three doses of a new recombinant human Factor VIIa (LR769) in congenital hemophilia A or B patients.
Blash S, Schofield M, Echelard Y, Gavin W. 2012. Update on the first cloned goats. Nat Biotechnol. 30:220-30.
Lam, L., E. Behboodi, W. Gavin and I. Dobrinski. 2012. Comparison of homozygous versus heterozygous fetal fibroblasts to support goat embryo attachment in vitro. Presented at the 17th International Congress on Animal Reproduction (ICAR) in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Zeng, W., Lin Tang, A. Bondareva, J. Luo, S.O. Megee, M. Modelski, S. Blash, D.T. Melican, M.M. Destrempes, A.A. Overton, W.G. Gavin, S. Ayres, Y. Echelard and I. Dobrinski. 2012. Non-viral transfection of goat germline stem cells by nucleofection results in production of transgenic sperm after germ cell transplantation. Mol Reprod Dev. April; 79(4): 255-261.
Echelard, Y., D. Pollock, C. de Coupade, A.G. Olivier, F. Brune, L. Chen, N. Masiello, J.L. Williams, W.G. Gavin, S. Chtourou and H.M. Meade. 2011. TG20, a transgenically-derived anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, exhibits enhanced cytotoxicity against cells with low levels of CD20. Presented at the American Society of Hematology in San Diego, CA. Blood.
Tang, L., W. Zeng, A. Bondareva, J. Luo, M. Modelski, S.Blash, M. Destrempes, W. Gavin, Y. Echelard and I. Dobrinski. 2011. Nucleofection of goat germline stem cells results in production of transgenic sperm after germ cell transplantation. Presented at the XXIst North American Testis Workshop in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 57 (abstract # 5).
Echelard, Y., W. Gavin, A. Lawton, C. Ziomek and H. Meade. Transgenic technology: A validated approach for large-scale manufacturing. Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology. June 2009; 50- 54.
Echelard, Y., J.L. Williams, C. Blackwell, M.M. Destrempes, J.A. Koster, S.A. Overton, D.P. Pollock, K.T. Rapiejko, E. Behboodi, N. Masiello, W.G. Gavin, J. Pommer, D.C. Faber, J.B. Cibelli, and H.M. Meade. Production of recombinant albumin by a herd of cloned transgenic cattle Source. Transgenic Research. 2009; 18 (3): 361-376.
Melican, D. and W. Gavin 2008. Repeat superovulation, non-surgical embryo recovery, and surgical embryo transfer in transgenic dairy goats. Theriogenology. 69: 197-203.
Echelard, Y., C.A. Ziomek and H.M. Meade 2006. Production of recombinant therapeutic proteins in the milk of transgenic animals. BioPharm International. 19: 36-46.
Behboodi E, Ayres SL, Memili E, O’Coin M, Chen LH, Reggio BC, Landry AM, Gavin WG, Meade HM, Godke RA, Echelard Y. 2005.Health and reproductive profiles of malaria antigen-producing transgenic goats derived by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Cloning and Stem Cells 7(2);106-117.
Echelard, Y., H. Meade and C. Ziomek 2005. The First Biopharmaceutical from Transgenic Animals: ATryn®. Modern Biopharmaceuticals. WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA; Kap. 4-11: 995-1016.
Zhou, Q., J. Kyazike, Y. Echelard, H.M. Meade, E. Higgins, E.S. Cole and T. Edmunds 2005. Effect of genetic background on glycosylation heterogeneity in human antithrombin produced in the mammary gland of transgenic goats. J. Biotechnology. 117:57-72.
Behboodi, E., E. Memili, D.T. Melican, M.M. Destrempes, S.A. Overton, J.L. Williams, P.A. Flanagan, R.E.Butler, H. Liem, L.H.Chen, H.M. Meade, W.G.Gavin and Y. Echelard (2004). Viable transgenic goats derived from skin cells. Transgenic Research. 13:215-224.
Parker, M.H., E. Birck-Wilson, G. Allard, N. Masiello, M. Day, K.P. Murphy, V. Paragas, S. Silver and M.D. Moody 2004. Purification and characterization of a recombinant version of human alphafetoprotein in the milk of transgenic goats. Protein Expression & Purification. 38: 177-183.
Gavin, W. 2002. Assisted Reproductive Technologies and the Production of Biotherapeutics. Proceedings of the Third Annual Tufts Animal Expo Educational Conference 3:61.
Stowers, A.W., L.H. Chen, Y.L. Zhang, M.C. Kennedy, L.L. Zou, L. Lambert, T.J. Rice, D.C. Kaslow, A. Saul, C.A. Long, H. Meade and L.H. Miller. 2002. A recombinant vaccine expressed in the milk of transgenic mice protects Aotus monkeys from a lethal challenge with Plasmodium falciparum.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99(1):339-344. Gavin, W. 2001. The Future of Transgenics. Regulatory Affairs Focus. 6: 13-19.
Reggio, B.C., A.N. James, H.L. Green, W.G. Gavin, E. Behboodi, Y. Echelard and R. Godke. 2001. Cloned transgenic offspring resulting from somatic cell nuclear transfer in the goat: Oocytes derived from both follicle-stimulating, hormone-stimulated and nonstimulated abattoir-derived ovaries. Biology of Reproduction. 65:1528-1533.
Baguisi, A., E. Behboodi, D.T. Melican, J.S. Pollock, M.M. Destrempes, C. Cammuso, J.L. Williams, S.D. Nims, C.A. Porter, P. Midura, M.J. Palacios, S.L. Ayres, R.S. Denniston, M.L. Hayes, C.A. Ziomek, H.M. Meade, R.A. Godke, W.G. Gavin, E.W. Overström and Y. Echelard. 1999. Production of goats by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Nature Biotechnol. 17: 456-461.
Newton, D.L., D. Pollock, P. DiTullio, Y. Echelard, M. Harvey, B. Wilburn, J. Williams, H.R. Hoogenboom, J.C. Raus, H.M. Meade and S.M. Rybak. 1999. Antitransferrin receptor antibody-Rnase fusion protein expressed in the mammary gland of transgenic mice. Journal of Immunological Methods. 231: 159-167.
Pollock, D.P., J.P. Kutzko, E. Birck-Wilson, J.L. Williams, Y. Echelard and H.M. Meade. 1999. Transgenic milk as a method for the production of recombinant antibodies. Journal of Immunological Methods. 231: 147-157.
Ziomek, C. 1999. Validation strategies for biopharmaceuticals: viral risk minimization for transgenic proteins from milk. Genetic Engineering News Apr. 15: 54.
Meade, H. 1997. The Dairy Gene. The Sciences 20-25.
Ziomek, C.A. 1996. Minimization of viral contamination in human pharmaceuticals produced in the milk of transgenic goats. Dev. Biol. Stand. 88: 265-268.
Ebert, K., P. DiTullio, C. Berry, J. Schindler, S. Ayers, T. Smith, L. Pellerin, H. Meade, J. Denman and B. Roberts. 1994. Induction of human tissue plasminogen activator in the mammary gland of transgenic goats. Biotechnology Jul; 12(7): 699-702.
Roberts, B., P. DiTullio, J. Vitale, K. Hehir and K. Gordon. 1992. Cloning of the goat b-casein-encoding gene and expression in transgenic mice. Gene 121: 225-262.
Denman, J., M. Hayes, C. O'Day, T. Edmunds, C. Bartlett, S. Hirani, K.M. Ebert, K. Gordon and J.M. McPherson. 1991. Transgenic expression of a variant of human tissue-type plasminogen activator in goat milk: purification and characterization of the recombinant enzyme. Bio/Technology 9: 839-843.
Ebert, K.M., J. Selgrath, P. DiTullio, J. Denman, T.E. Smith, M.A. Memon, J.E. Schindler, G.M. Monastersky, J.A. Vitale and K. Gordon. 1991. Transgenic production of a variant of human tissue-type plasminogen activator in goat milk: Generation of transgenic goats and analysis of expression. Bio/Technology 9: 835-838.
Pittius, C.W., L. Hennighausen, E. Lee, H. Westphal, E. Nicols, J. Vitale and K. Gordon. 1988. A milk protein gene promoter directs the expression of human tissue plasminogen activator cDNA to the mammary gland in transgenic mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 85: 5874-5878.
Gordon, K., E. Lee, J.A. Vitale, A.E. Smith, H. Westphal and L. Hennighausen. 1987. Production of human tissue plasminogen activator in transgenic mouse milk. Bio/Technology 5: 1183-1187.